Tag Archives: evening course

Interview with Sonia Parizzi

22 Feb

Sonia Parizzi attended the Five-Day Intensive Shoemaking Course in Berkeley about a year ago. She had been involved in the footwear business as a designer, but this was the first time that she made a pair of shoes. We have found her experience very inspiring and we wanted to interview her to find out more about the process of becoming and being a designer.

Prescott & Mackay: Please tell us something about your background and what has led you to become a designer?

Sonia Parizzi: I was lucky to be born as a designer and artist. At the age of 4, I was already painting fabric, and continued until the age of 14. I attended French pattern and sewing classes, started selling to friends, and soon to an increasingly affluent clientele. I also painted Huge Facades.

After graduating as an Industrial Designer, I started to sell my own clothing ‘Sonia P & Sonia L’ to the best boutiques. The next step was ‘Sonia Parizzi’ brand going into shoes. All over Brazil, I was in charge of the Design and Marketing, including design for other brands such as ‘Alpargatas’, which manufactures the renowned ‘Havaianas’.



P&M: What is the idea behind your designs? What does your brand try to tell people and what makes you unique?

SP: I just followed colour trends: my heart was the trend, and I was recognized as a trend launcher. The brand started to appear everywhere and it was constantly published in all magazines, such Vogue, W and Elle, as well as TV interviews and at fashion shows in New York. I was even invited to sell at Bergdoff Goodman, but I could not produce the amount they required.

P&M: How did the idea of making your own shoes come into your mind and why chose Prescott & Mackay?

SP: I was looking for the best and found it. Their resumes are impressive.

P&M: Please tell us your experience at the San Francisco shoe class and what you have learnt.

SP: I learnt how to make a pattern, mount a shoe by hand and the use of new materials in the market. Melissa Needham was a great teacher whose patience is tremendous as well as her knowledge. She is also a good and pleasant person.



P&M: Please give some advice to people who are interested in shoe and bag design, particularly those who want to start up their businesses.

SP:  Push your creation from inside out and to the unthinkable. Also, make a brand that reflects your personality. If you knock door to door selling it, you will get noticed. Negative answers are awful, but make us stronger. It is fundamental to take short classes in Marketing and Administration or to pay someone to do it, a friend can helps at the beginning.  Upon finding an investor, negotiates a good contract: we are not slaves.

Sonia has sent us some pictures from her designs. The models Conliriozz and Zelebrazz are designed for silicone or plastic shoes, where the colour white means to be transparent. She manufactured the Yellow’zz in Brazil many years ago, remaining like a kind of Converse sandal. When she moved to the USA, she had two interviews with them, but even when though it was a great prospect, it did not work because she could not move to Boston.



Sonia is currently creating a new great line and looking for investors in the USA, meanwhile she has not stopped appearing in magazines and newspapers.

Prescott & Mackay runs Two-Day Beginners Shoemaking and Five-Day Intensive Shoemaking in Berkeley, San Francisco throughout the year, and the next courses are scheduled for April 2013.

Making shoes in the evening – week 5 to 7 (via La Maison de Florence)

22 Nov

How’s our shoemaking evening class going? Let’s follow Florrie’s diary to find out what has happened in the past three weeks.


Making shoes in the evening - week 5 - 7 Where was I? Oh yes, I have finished making the pattern of my shoes and started to cut the materials. The picture below is the cut leather: the cherry blossom pinky white ostrich for shoe upper, and the fire orange ostrich for the heels. 上次我在“设计师之路:全手工英式皮鞋制作日记”里說到鞋的紙樣已經做好,開始切割皮料了。下面就是已經切好的皮子,米色帶珊瑚紅點(其實整體看來是淡淡的櫻花粉色)的鴕鳥皮是鞋面,火橘色的鴕鳥皮是鞋跟。 … Read More

via La Maison de Florence


The next shoemaking evening class will start from January 14, 2011. Click here to book

Making shoes in the evening – week 1 to week 4

11 Oct

The new term of shoemaking evening class has started since September 10, 2010. In 10 weeks’ time, five students in the class are going to start from scatch and make a pair of shoes. Are you interested in what they have done in the first four weeks? Read one student’s diary via the link below!

Making shoes in the evening – week 1 to 4 A pair of good shoes, like a good partner, is a magic. Everyone has his/her own definition of what is ‘good’, and mine is a well combination of comfort and appearance. Good shoes support your whole body weight without any complaint, walk with you as far as they can and never make you feel tired, while at the same time get you envy eyes from people.  It’s not easier to find shoes like that than finding a right partner. Some people may have never f … Read More

via La Maison de Florence

The next shoemaking evening class will start from January 14, 2011. Book early for two months in advance to enjoy our Early Bird Discount!
Click here to book

Shoemaking Evening Course, Week 7

10 Jun

After a really busy day at Black Truffle, Broadway I’m looking forward to going back to the Prescott & Mackay studio in Warren Street and cracking on with making my blue shoes.

I still have to finish the piping in both uppers and then close both the uppers to sew them together with the lining and see how it actually look!

I did manage to finish closing uppers and lining together and I think the color combination works pretty well. I still have to make some adjustments, but am pretty happy so far.

I’m looking forward to arrive to the making process and starting to see the 3D result!

Evening Course diary week 1, week 3, week 4, week 5, week 6, week 7, week 8, week 9, and week 10

Shoemaking Evening Course, Week 3

6 May

Here is Caterina’s experience of Week 3 on the Shoemaking Evening Course at Prescott & Mackay.
Week 3

I missed the 2nd week so I needed to catch up a lot this time. Again, I ran across London and got straight down to work once I arrived.

Today I started my patterns, finally, meaning that my design has been chosen.  I am very excited about this.  I have cut them out on Pattern Cutting Paper and am looking forward to next week and finishing my patterns and starting to cut some backing or why not, clicking some leather!

The good thing about this course is that everyone, beginners or not, has the possibility of achieving a great outcome, Chau goes around the tables and supports us one by one, checking we are following properly!

The Prescott & Mackay School of Fashion and Accessory Design is located below Black Truffle at 52 Warren Street, and its principal Melissa Needham, is also co-owner of the two Black Truffle stores.  Prescott and Mackay offers short courses in Shoemaking, Bag Making, Corsetry, Millinery and Tutu Making as well as Private Tuition and Footwear seminars.  Across all the disciplines there are courses suited for absolute beginners to those who want something more advanced.

Follow Caterina’s journey here each week and maybe you can think about doing a course yourself.

Evening Course diary week 1, week 3, week 4, week 5, week 6, week 7, week 8, week 9, and week 10

Shoemaking Evening Course, Week 1

29 Apr

Caterina, the manager of Black Truffle in Broadway Market, is taking a Shoemaking Evening Course at Prescott & Mackay. She has studied Shoe Design and wants to have a career as a shoe designer. She will be writing about her experiences here each week.

Week 1

” After taking on the job as the manager of Black Truffle, Broadway Market, I haven’t had the time to dedicate myself to this creative side of me so I’ve decided to attend the evening class at P&M with Super Chau (that’s how I call Chau Har Lee, amazing designer/tutor) to reconnect with lasts, masking tape, dividers and lasting pincers.

After closing the shop last Thursday it was time to run across London to attend the first class. It has been even more interesting than I was expecting because I immediately learnt something: a different method of taping the last (that’s what you do when you need to make the patterns of your design).

It’s been such a long time without hands on experience of making shoes that I almost forgot the great feeling of it. Honestly, I struggled deciding what to draw on the last.
I had such a great time that the end of the lesson came veeeeery quickly and I am a bit sad cause I will miss the next lesson, but I am sure I will catch up on the 3rd one”

The Prescott & Mackay School of Fashion and Accessory Design is located below Black Truffle at 52 Warren Street, and its principal Melissa Needham, is also co-owner of the two Black Truffle stores. Prescott and Mackay offer short courses in Shoemaking, Bag Making, Corsetry, Millinery and Tutu Making as well as Private Tuition and Footwear seminars. Across all the disciplines there are courses suited for absolute beginners to those who want something more advanced.

Follow Caterina’s journey here each week and maybe you can think about doing a course yourself.

Evening Course diary week 1, week 3, week 4, week 5, week 6, week 7, week 8, week 9, and week 10