Tag Archives: USA Footwear Courses

Student Success Story: Velieris & Co. by Michael Stosky

28 Dec

Student Michael Stosky who took the Five-Day Intensive Shoe making Class in 2009 in Berkley CA with the school principal, Melissa Needham, came back to us before Christmas with a great news: he has just launched his own shoe line: Velieris & Co!

Shoe Label: Velieris & Co

The word Velieris (velie-ris) is Latin for ‘fleece’, which is derived from the historical principal of a shoe’s intent, which is to protect the body from environmental factors. Michael endeavors to design shoes that are comfortable and fit the foot while looking great at the same time. “I want to bypass the uncomfortable process of having to ‘break in’ the shoes before you can wear them and feel good in them,” says Michael.

C.E.O. & Creative Director: Michael Stosky

“I started out back in 2009 when I was on the campus of The Ohio State University and I saw two particular types of shoes that almost every girl wore on campus and so I came up with the idea of a hybrid version of both of the styles and it eventually evolved into a luxury shoe line from there. ” explains Michael about how the whole idea started.

Velieris Look Book SS 2012

“I want to create a luxury shoe brand that is of equal, if not better quality in craftsmanship and materials used within each design that can be comparable to other top luxury brands, but more affordable.  The world is going through an economic downturn right now and I want the people who are used to buying luxury but cannot afford it due to cut backs financially or whatever is on their plate to be able to still afford the luxury but at a cost that they would be comfortable with.”

He then found Prescott and Mackay through online research. “It’s tough to find a shoemaking class in the United States and once I saw what all they did, I just felt this would be a great class to go to. I learned so much just by making a pair of shoes that I can now communicate with the manufacturers to get the samples perfect after the first round of the prototype process. Melissa told me of some great ideas on getting materials for my shoes and showed me what is needed to be put into every construction of every shoe. The detail that she went into on every portion of the shoe creation, made me learn what it really takes to create a quality pair. I would most definitely refer people who wanted to get into shoe design to take these courses through Prescott and Mackay just because of how much they can learn from the experience.”

The Velieris Italian Leather Collection

Michael’s dream is to open a couple of boutiques featuring his line throughout the world and be as successful at Christian Louboutin and be known as a superior designer within the luxury shoe market. How would he advise people who want to start up their own footwear business? “Research as much as possible from resourcing a manufacturer to marketing your line and plan about 3 years before you actually launch your line,” says Michael, “you want to take your time and make sure that every aspect within your business is top notch so when you do launch your line, you are well prepared for whatever gets put in your way as an issue.”

“Starting up a company like this is like having a baby, you have to put it before anything and never lack in progress or your baby will never grow and it will struggle to stay alive. So if you help it grow, it will help you grow as a stronger business owner and person by heart in the future. There will be so many challenges you will be faced with, but if you stay strong, you will only grow to be a better business person and be more knowledgeable within the business.”

Are you feeling encouraged by Michael’s story? Don’t miss the upcoming shoe making courses in the USA: 
5-Day Intensive Shoemaking Class on Jan 23-27, 2012
2-Day Beginners Shoemaking Class on Jan 28-29, 2012 

Visi Michael’s website here: http://www.velierisandcompany.com/home.php

Wishing Michael and everyone who is reading this blog entry a happy Christmas and successful new year!

Student’s Success Story: deeFind Shoes by Dierdre Wallace, USA

2 Dec

Several weeks ago we received an exciting letter from our American student Dierdre Wallace from San Francisco, California. The news in her letter was so amazing that we couldn’t wait to share with you her story.

“I am writing to let you know what an impact the classes I enrolled in with P&M made on me.  Two years ago in November, I took the five-day intensive course with Melissa immediately followed by the two day course with Aki.  I walked away with an abundance of knowledge and an overwhelming feeling of “Can I do this?”  After attending your courses, I felt empowered and compelled to keep moving forward.  I am please to announce that I just launched my first collection of deeFind for the Fall/Winter Season 2011.”

Student's Success Story: DeeFind Shoes

Student's Success Story: DeeFind Shoes

“DeeFind’s beginnings were cultivated two years ago in pursuit of a dream. This idea unfolded, blindly, during one of my of high-heel internet searches when complete despair washed over me as my size 11-supermodel feet arrested any chance of attaining the beautiful designs dangling in front of me.  In this moment, it became as clear glass: Constructing high-fashion footwear for the everyday women in all sizes was inescapable.”

Designer - Dierdre Wallace

Designer - Dierdre Wallace

“Armed with a background in creative arts, I acquired a scorching thirst for developing a visually impactful sense of style and originality.  Shoes are one of the greatest forms of personal definition, I wanted to create beautiful works of art as well as introducing recycled and sustainable materials wherever possible.  Additionally, deeFind is a start-up company that thrives on the values of investing in our community; a portion of each deeFind purchase will be given to a special charity.”

“I heard about Prescott and Mackay through a friend, who had taken their five-day intensive shoe-making course.  Naturally, I thought this would be a great way to get a small taste to see if shoe designing would nourish my path.  Through this course I learned about materials and design, pattern cutting, closing, and the actual making of a shoe. ”

Dierdre at the 5-Day Intensive Shoemaking Class, Nov 2009

“Immediately after I followed up with a two-day intensive course, Introduction to Footwear Design, with international shoe designer Aki Choklat.  We discussed brief and intensive overviews of the footwear industry, creative design techniques, how to develop ideas from individual inspiration, and how to draw and expand from those ideas.  Aki also examined what became the most beneficial part to me—discussing what takes to actually create a label.  These courses helped solidify my ideas and responded to the unanswered questions I had.  Still, I left feeling overwhelmed.  Could I really do this?  I realized the only thing that stood in my way was fear and I would not succumb to it.  This is my dream and exactly what I had been searching for.”

Tutor Aki's Footwear Design class in the USA

Dierdre then shared with us the challenge she had and gave everyone who wants to start-up a footwear business some advices: “I think the greatest challenge for me has been my learning curve.  Being completely new to this industry and jumping into it head on can be quite overwhelming at times!  I have made mistakes, but each one has been a blessing.  It is important to remain positive, keep pushing forward and trusting in my path.  It is a beautiful moment watching everything falls into place.  My advice to individuals who have a dream to design shoes is to simply reach for the stars and go hard.  You can do anything you put your mind to, but persistence is key.  Oh, and also you need a really great team!  I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for some crucial individuals.”

Some beautiful shoes from the deeFind collection:

deeFind: Grania

deeFind: Zoelle

You can see more styles from the deeFind website.

When talking about her business views, Dierdre said: “deeFind’s future dream is to create a fully recyclable, fashion forward high heel shoe.  Each collection, I am adding a new element to help promote sustainability and upcycling, while providing a feminine ferocious artistic shoe.  For our Spring/Summer 2012 Line, we will be incorporating recycled heels and soles.  Also, our boxes and tissue paper will be made from recycled materials.” (To read the complete deeFind story, please visit www.deefind.com/about/).

DeeFind shoes will host a holiday launch event  “ALL OF THE LIGHTS: A Season of Feminine Ferocity”, December 9, 2011—from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm at Root Division Gallery in San Francisco. If you are there make sure you pop in to say hello to Dierdre and send her our greetings!

To find out more about our courses, click here for the 5-Day Intensive Shoemaking class in the USA, and click here for the 2-Day Introduction to Footwear Design class.

Prescott & Mackay recent USA Footwear Courses

27 Nov

At the beginning of November, Melissa Needham (our Principle and founder) and Aki Choklat (renowned Shoe Designer) taught 2 of our footwear courses in the USA.

Melissa taught the ever-popular Five Day Intensive Shoemaking Course, which covers all the elements of making a fully closed shoe and aspects of pattern cutting and design.  Check out these photos of our wonderful US students and their magnificent creations.

The classes are always such fun when we visit the US and the students really immerse themselves in the craft of shoemaking and create an easy, relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.

Aki has developed a new Intensive Introduction to Footwear Design Course specifically for our US students.  This takes elements from our three seminars already available in the UK, Footwear Design, Interpretation of Design and Footwear Production as well as allowing our US students to experience some of Aki’s vast knowledge and passion in this area.

This is the first time Aki has taught with us in the US and we hope not the last, see our 2010 course schedule for more details of upcoming courses.

As a final word, we must say how impressed we are with the dedication of our students, with many people travelling from as far as Canada, Maryland and Georgia to follow their dreams.  We hope that Prescott & Mackay has helped you on your first steps into the life of shoemaking and designing.